Jurassic World Illustrated Typeface

 In Blog

I recently went to the cinema to see Jurassic World and was inspired to continue my Illustrated Movie Typeface project by creating a complete A-Z typeface based on this movie.

Taking the common themes from the film and design/branding nods that also feature on the website (which is fantastic!) and marketing collateral, I created this library of letters which also features the now infamous Indominus Rex!

You can also see my previously created A-Z sets here which feature full libraries based on the original Jurassic Park movie, Ghostbusters, Shaun of the Dead, and Gremlins.

Also I would recommend checking out the Jurassic World Website, it’s a beautiful site and interface with a viral twist in the messaging!

Hopefully I will have some more time to continue this fun project over the coming months/years…






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